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One Setting that Fixed Apple Airplay with my Airport Extreme

AirPlay is one of my favorite features about owning Apple products. To be able to simply send music from my Macbook or iPhone to my stereo has been the Holy Grail of music playback since I ripped my first CD to MP3s. But at some point through a software update of my Airport Extreme, Apple TV, Macbook, or iPhone, AirPlay has been spotty at best and frustrated me to screaming bouts with my devices.

The Problem

For months I'd been having issues playing music from my computer through my Apple TV. It would play for a minute or two before losing connection and I'd have to start the process all over. It would act like it couldn't find the Apple TV and then all of a sudden it would start working again. I finally found someone who was having the same problem AND had a solution (there were lots of reports of this problem with no solution). It came down the Airport Extreme confusing IPv6 and IPv4 messages.

The Solution

Steven Sande at Appleworld.today gave the easiest instructions on how to solve this problem. Basically from your Airport Utility app, tap Edit > Advanced > IPv6 and then disable Share IPv6 Connection button to disable IPv6 sharing. I'm still watching with baited breath to make sure the problem doesn't rear it's head again, but for the time being it seems to have been fixed.